The Kids These Days and The Novels: John Ruskin and the Case of Endangered Art

John Ruskin was a multi-talented artist, writer, drafter, and social thinker, as well as one of the top art critics of the Victorian age. He also had some goofy ideas about novels that, coincidentally, sound a lot like Coleridge’s. In his book The Elements of Drawing, Ruskin tries to teach his readers to develop their … Continue reading The Kids These Days and The Novels: John Ruskin and the Case of Endangered Art

The Kids These Days

FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF THE KIDS THESE DAYS AND GENERAL HAND WRINGING OVER THE FACT THAT THE WORLD HAS CHANGED SINCE WE WERE THE KIDS THESE DAYS There are lots of very good reasons to panic. How about these? Your guidebook says not to panic. Verdict: Be prepared to panic. You’re a cop one day … Continue reading The Kids These Days